Prayer Journal,
Praying Scripture According to God's Will by Mike Massey
Prayer Journal
Prayer Journal states that prayers found in scripture are “. . . according to His will,” making these God given prayers, powerful Christian tools. When prayed, Christians ask God to do what He already wants to do. When prayed, Christians can believe God has heard and have faith He will answer them. In one month, Christians will learn and pray 31 specific prayers “according to His will” such as: “. . . pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matt 9:38 “. . . making mention of you in my prayers . . . that you may know . . .” - Eph 1:15-19 “. . . Therefore pray . . . Your Kingdom come . . .” Matt 6:10 The teaching for each day explains the prayer, presents an application, provides prayer guidelines, and gives a sample prayer. Opposite each page is ample space to record requests, thoughts, inspirations, and answered prayers. |