El Tio Rocky, Bombero Libro Uno - "Fuego"
El bombero nuevo, Rocky Hill, llega a su primer incendio y se encuentra con una madre desesperada gritando -¡Salve a mi bebé, salve a mi bebé!- Mientras el equipo de bomberos pelea contra el incendio, Rocky, con su corazón latiendo fuertemente debido a la urgencia de la situación, gatea en el segundo piso en busca del bebé atrapado en la cuna.
Reader Quotes:"My 6 year old son really enjoyed it. We're going to read it again this evening." - - Jennifer B - Editor
“Ben and I read the first one, well....... as far as we could. He really liked it.” - - Kris Tidwell - Mom. |
“We have read through your lovely book several times now. It's a very sweet story, yet with lots of great mechanical details that are sweet sounds to curious little boys. The part about the baby being in potential danger always tugs at a parent's emotions ..... When I asked Win (5 yr old son) what he liked best about the story, it was 'when he saved the baby.' Mine too :)” - - Katherine Shepler