Mike Massey
Senior pastor, Mike Massey, grew up in Virginia Beach, VA, moved to Lynchburg to attend Liberty University, and began ministering at Calvary Chapel Lynchburg. After graduation, he first served as the Youth Pastor at a church in Wilmington and then moved back to Lynchburg to again serve at Calvary Chapel. He led the Wednesday night children's program for 4 years followed by ten years as their college/career pastor. His next call was to California as the Senior Pastor at a fellowship outside Fresno. His latest call brought him to Ebenezer Faith Bible Church in Berwick, PA.
During his time in ministry, he was able to travel all over the world on mission trips and speaking at various churches and conferences. He has a heart for missions, especially Russia where he ministers quite a bit. After his love for Jesus and his family (a beautiful wife, 4 kids, 2 cats, and a dog), you will find him rooting on the sports teams of Washington D.C. or doing something related to coffee. |
Mikes's Book
Prayer Journal, Praying Scripture According to God's Will
John promises Christians powerful prayer and drives home his point in 1 John 5:14-15: “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” Yet, many Christians do not enjoy the vibrant prayer life John promises, in part because they are unsure their prayers are, “. . . according to His will” and as a result are unsure God hears them. Prayer Journal states that prayers found in scripture are “. . . according to His will,” making these God given prayers, powerful Christian tools. When prayed, Christians ask God to do what He already wants to do. When prayed, Christians can believe God has heard and have faith He will answer them. In one month, Christians will learn and pray 31 specific prayers “according to His will” such as: “. . . pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matt 9:38 “. . . making mention of you in my prayers . . . that you may know . . .” - Eph 1:15-19 “. . . Therefore pray . . . Your Kingdom come . . .” Matt 6:10 The teaching for each day explains the prayer, presents an application, provides prayer guidelines, and gives a sample prayer. Opposite each page is ample space to record requests, thoughts, inspirations, and answered prayers. |